Cambridge United Football Club
( the leading football team in cambridge, games are played at the abbey stadium on newmarket road.
9/10am-dusk daily. if anything is stereotypically 'cambridge', this must be it. punting involves propelling yourself in a long wooden boat by pushing a pole against the shallow river bottom. for the full effect, take strawberries and champagne to quaff as you glide effortlessly down the river. you can either travel along the backs or head out towards the village of grantchester. guided tours are also available from â£10 per person, but self-hire is more fun granta punting company (http://www.puntingincambr...). â£12 per hour per punt, â£14 at weekends. a deposit e.g. a credit card is required. in fact if you turn up in the summer you'll find it hard not to go punting as touts assail you from all sides in the streets. for a look at the evolution of punting in cambridge consult (http://www.puntingincambr...)
Cambridge is renowned for rowing on the cam. all colleges and some schools have their own clubs, and there are over half a dozen large 'town' clubs. there are a number of regattas and head races on the river throughout the year, though the highlight in the rowing calendar on the cam is the annual bumping races. for college crews, the 'may' bumps are in june, for the local clubs, this normally is the fourth week in july. over four evenings of racing tuesday - friday, eights attempt to gain higher position by catching the crew ahead of them before being 'bumped' by the crew behind. races take place downstream north of the city, between the a-14 road bridge and the railway bridge at stourbridge common, and are best viewed from the towpath alongside the river, or from the plough pub in fen ditton, both accessible by foot from the town centre - words of warning though - if on the towpath side, be careful for the massive number of bikes that accompany the crews racing, if in the pub, you may not get a seat, and beer prices are at a premium.
Cambridge University students aren't allowed to work during term-time, so there are often possibilities for bar or waitering work for foreign nationals. Those from outside the EU require a work permit, see the Work section of United Kingdom for more details.
There are also Technology Parks ( (http://www.cambridge-scie...) (http://www.cambridgeresea...) ( where lots of hi-tech and bio-tech companies opened their offices.
MP3 walking tour of Cambridge
£5 for two downloadable 60-minute walks ( or for hire for â£7 from the tourist information centre (